Border Security

The security of America’s southwest border is a matter of paramount importance, yet President Biden’s recent policy decisions have significantly undermined it. Under the current administration, the situation has worsened, compounded by sanctuary city policies in certain states, such as New York, exacerbating the crisis. This has led to devastating consequences, including a surge in fentanyl-related deaths, migrant crises in various cities, and the admission of tens of thousands of unvetted migrants from adversarial nations, posing risks to public safety and national security.

Democrats’ Policy Choices

Within two weeks of President Biden taking office, he repealed several effective Trump-era border policies such as Remain in Mexico.  Soon after, he canceled border wall construction while implementing a mass parole program.  In total, President Biden signed 64 executive orders which have caused America’s ongoing border crisis.  Locally, New York Democrats’ sanctuary city policies, which prohibit state and local governments from cooperating with federal law enforcement on immigration matters, and their so-called Right to Shelter policies, along with their decision to use taxpayer funds to provide free hotels and healthcare for noncitizen migrants has exacerbated President Biden’s Border crisis and created New York City’s migrant crisis, making Long Island less safe.

Despite the obvious linkage between these policy choices and America’s border crisis, President Biden, Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams stubbornly refuse to reverse the dangerous policies which have caused America’s border crisis and New York City’s migrant crisis.

Devastating Impact of Democrats’ Policy Choices

The repercussions of these policy choices are dire. Notably, there has been a surge in attempted border crossings by known terrorists and an alarming rise in drug trafficking, particularly of fentanyl, reaching unprecedented levels. Human trafficking and smuggling have also seen a worrying uptick, with criminal organizations profiting immensely from these illicit activities. The toll on communities, including Long Island and New York City, is significant, further compounded by sanctuary city policies that shield undocumented migrants from legal consequences.

Republicans’ Solutions

In response to the crisis, my House Republican colleagues and I have put forward comprehensive solutions aimed at bolstering border security and addressing the root causes of the problem. Initiatives such as my No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act seek to prevent federal funds from supporting sanctuary city policies, ensuring taxpayer resources are allocated responsibly. Additionally, the Secure the Border Act, passed by House Republicans, offers a multifaceted approach to border enforcement, including measures to end Catch and Release, reinstate effective policies like Remain in Mexico, and combat human trafficking.

Schumer-Lankford Bill is a Surrender, not a Solution

The Schumer-Lankford bill represents a surrender rather than a solution to America's border crisis. It fails to mandate meaningful action from the Biden Administration, merely granting them the option to act—a choice they have consistently avoided. Furthermore, the bill sets an alarmingly high threshold of 5,000 illegal crossings per day before any significant measures can be taken, overwhelming our already strained system.

Notably, the bill neglects existing laws mandating detention for illegal entrants while allocating billions to bail out sanctuary cities and states like NYC, without requiring any changes to their sanctuary policies. This approach not only rewards non-compliance with federal immigration laws but exacerbates the crisis.

In essence, the bill prioritizes political posturing over genuine solutions, surfacing conveniently during an election year without substantive measures to address the crisis. It fails to tackle the root causes of illegal immigration and undermines the integrity of our immigration system.

True solutions entail enforcing existing laws and implementing policies that hold sanctuary jurisdictions accountable and prioritize border security. It is imperative to compel action from an administration that has thus far neglected the nation's best interests.

A Call to Action

It's abundantly clear that America's southwest border security demands urgent attention. President Biden's policy decisions, compounded by sanctuary city policies, have caused the crisis, resulting in devastating consequences like a surge in fentanyl-related deaths and migrant crises in various cities. Despite this, the Biden Administration and some local authorities remain obstinate in reversing these damaging policies. The impact is dire, with increased terrorist activity, drug trafficking, and human smuggling, all while communities, including Long Island and New York City, suffer the consequences.

In contrast, House Republicans offer tangible solutions like my No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act and the Secure the Border Act, aimed at bolstering security and combating trafficking. The Schumer-Lankford bill, however, falls short, offering a surrender rather than a solution, prioritizing political posturing over genuine action.

Now is the time for real solutions. We must enforce existing laws, hold sanctuary jurisdictions accountable, and prioritize border security. It's imperative to compel action from an administration that has thus far neglected our nation's best interests.